due north do tip toes tap
the parquet in a zag
dishes stacked up slant and still
something snapped or
clicked then
nothing again except
dinner cool on the ‘top
cheese out and all
faucet’s got a runny nose
add it to the list yes
add it to fix and
east then do sway the greens
those leaves in a pot
strung up to hang out
stressed out the linen
cracked hum the unit
the window one still on
so late
and south the street view
sidewalk dogs all under
the overhead all planes
descent one per minute
oh source of sun
and sound and gates
all giddy to open wide they whine
then ‘cycles burr and crack
till west where
sat and sank under lamp above
clacking keyboard words aloud
whispered then
somehow paint the page with
tab return space and
shift the script turned
inside out from what’s up
in there the inside’s out somehow
the voice within without